Adventures Every Day
Getting into a rut is easy. Our schedules dictate our lives and create patterns that can be difficult to break. These patterns are created around our work and family schedules. These are two very important aspects of our daily lives so the ruts created around them are necessary. Our obligations don't always have to create ruts but we can get caught up in the daily grind of life. We get so busy that we forget to get out and experience life. As much as someone might love our families or maybe their career, they both still can create ruts. We are defined by the experiences in our life. People often times forget to get out and experience life because of these ruts. The daily grind can wear us down and we do not make time to have new adventures. Ruts bring us down and stop us from growing fully as a person. The second we stop experiencing new adventures is the second that we become stagnant and being stagnant is one of the most debilitating issues one can face. New adventures are ke...