The First Step to Being Thoughtful and Living Authentically

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it"
-Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Life is hectic. We are running around at a faster pace each day. We are inundated and bombarded with stimuli coming from all different angles. Our computers, our phones and the tv give us information with the touch of a button. We are over stimulated but yet we want more stimulation. How many times have you been looking at Facebook on your phone late into the evening, instead of reading or going to bed early? It happens to the best of us. The rise of social media has also given away to the rise in addiction to our devices.

We now are buried in our devices hence removing ourselves from real life. We move through life with our heads down instead of up. We have stopped interacting and prefer to interact with an inanimate object. Social media gives people an inauthentic avenue of communication. Many people get on their social media accounts and say things that they would normally never say in real life. People use their social media channels to pretend to be something that they are not. It creates a false reality for people. They are not living a real, thoughtful our authentic life.

The first step towards being authentic is to bring yourself up for air. Taking even the smallest breaks from your social media and the internet can help. Learn to replace that time that you would normally use your device to read or interact with someone face to face. Take a walk outside and look up and around. These small steps will help you to be more thoughtful. Once you have removed yourself from the distractions of social media and the false sense of self, you can start to figure out how to navigate the world in a way that creates waves of happiness. Finding yourself in the world without the aid of your social media is the most rewarding experience.

The world is an amazing place filled with awe inspiring beauty. Put yourself out there and just remember to be kind to yourself on this journey.


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